Friday 3 April 2020

jean baurillard

Jean Baudrillard
What used to be in the media was reality, real news real places. Society evolves and products evolve = and heightened reality is more intense but still links to the original. But now we have media products that try and copy reality (simulacra) and is no longer linked to reality.

How this can be used in LFTVD
D83 is based on truth and features contextual and historical factors that contribute to the verisimilitude of the drama. the cold war, the berlin divides and threat from Russia are all fears that were present in 80s Germany. This theory can be applied through the facts and contextual evidence that may have been altered to interest audiences. For example, adding new characters who may represent people who may have lived within 1983 however were not physically there. An example of heightened reality. By adapting the story to suit the desires of an audience takes away from the documentary feel that would happen if they were to include only facts. The use of underlying stories such as morits travel from east to west Germany and family affairs is a simulacra, as this is a version of reality that has been altered and is now has very tenuous links between history and reality.

Stranger things 
The fictional story of the young pre-teen protagonists is far from realistic as it is a science fiction drama. The story experiments with the fear of the unknown and is created to spark fear and excitement. The story is set in Indiana, a real state in north America however in a fictional town known as Hawkins, alongside an imaginary city, no character is based off true people who lived in 1983. However, the mis un scene is highly useful when applying this theory as the costume as well as the housing and aesthetic is stereotypical of a middle class suburban 80s lifestyle, this is heightened reality as stereotypes are used to emphasise the time period, making it clear to younger audiences. Within the clam and casual town that the chacareras live, factual threats are still visible such as fear of Russia due to the cold war. As well as this technology in space and the unknow was developing quickly, raising fear amongst the general public this is visible in the episode however is not factually based (simulacra)

Broadsheets such as the guardian aim to provide factually sourced information that readers can rely upon, since having a higher-grade audience, the broadsheets can supply factual news backed up by evidence however circulation still needs to me maintained and by twisting news and stories slightly, some may be more interested. This theory is also in favour of political views being ported by papers as well as cultural opinions. Although a story may be true, evidence and facts are only included if they support the newspapers ideals and opinions (heightened reality).
This theory may be more useful in analysing tabloids as well as news online. 
Tabloids have a lower demographic audience meaning they are more influenceable when publishing simulacra stories. News on line has a much younger audience so adapting stories and only publishing ones who their new audience ill fine enjoyable is paramount to the success of the story meaning the heightened reality aids the paper online even if it is only a fragment of the truth 

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Paul Gilroy

Paul Gilroy

The idea that colonialism from the 1500-1900 is still present in modern media. People from ethnic minorities being dehumanised and the idea of “other”. Other meaning seen as abnormal and strange by the majority ( hegemonic)

Within tv drama 

The only reference to any ethnic variation is with Jackson. The lack of ethnicities emphasises the verisimilitude of the drama. And although the the show is a hybrid genre of spy and action.realism is also key as the contextual background features the cold war and the east and west divide so its was crucial that the casting I done in a realistic way. In 1983 Germany the mass hegemonic group was white meaning that there would be little ethnic contrast. Gilroy apply partially as Jackson is represented as different and an outsider partially to his race and being  American. However this is not so useful as the initial meeting of Jackson he is shown to be powerful and in charge , subverting gilroys theory that ethnicity makes someone look weaker or an “other”

Stranger things
 Within the first episode the only contrast in ethnicity is shown through Lucas, gilroys theory is useful in this sense as Lucas is within a group of pre teen protagonists that don’t fit into their small towns “norm”. For example when greeted at the gates by the 2 boys who bully the group of pre teens he is labelled as “midnight”. However with the other boys considered outsiders his race is possibly not the reason for his exclusion.  

Within tabloids it is a common convention for minorities to be simplified so by doing so the varying ethnicities are made to look like “others”and with naive less educated readers they like to be told what to think. This is where gilroys theory is useful 
However in broadsheets minorities are less likely to appear weaker however the hegemonic group of white males still edit and publish the magazine and often the righters of articles included inside are seen on the from cover and are almost always white. 

Thursday 6 February 2020

d83 representation


Deutschland 83 (D83)
Walter presents is the producer 
Sundance in america 
RTL germany 
Comparing non-English speaking drama to English speaking drama
Season 1 episode 1 = quantum jump 
Anna and jorg winger writters 
aired in October 2015 in the us .Released in uk on channel 4 in January 2016. Aired in November 2015 Germany
sponcerd by Lexus = expensive car 
Knowledge of Cold War
Ability to understand and willingness to read subtitles = ABC1 AUDIENCE 
Cold War spy thriller 
War and conflict 
= Hybrid of coming of age and spy thriller 
Steve Neil = genre code means that things are required to make show that genre for example explosion = action
Split screen ,contrsas Intertextuality 
Evil empire speech ,1983 is first thing shown shows from an East German point of view 
ting lives =Levi Strauss( binary opposites) “over the wall , undercover” 
Barths action code language 
identify with protagonist and naive young adult 80s vibe and being chased  = stranger things
Frankie goes to Hollywood two tribes mocks Cold War as split by the Berlin Wall 
Ronald Raegan = president 
Audience is both young due to young protagonist and the 80 references snd Cold War knoledge 

The protagonist 
Moritz stamm = spy socialist East people sharing everyone equal however feel controlled and may not get what you feel like you deserve 
Martin raunch = soldier West communist  
Medium/ high production value drama e.g finding 1980s props and costume and special effects 
Significant marketing eg posters and trailer 
Berlin film festival premiere 
Globally distributed 
Critical sucessful not least for fashion and soundtrack 
70s/80s nostalgia 
Comercial sucesos 
hightest rated subtitle drama 
East German vocalist ideology almost seen as aspirational 
East German LIKE CUBA 

GAUNTLETT D83 oscillates between diversity and ending at times a singular straightforward east / west diversity 
1980s soundtrack = synergy 
Spotify playlist for each episode 
Nostalgia is key appeil 
Period drama positions with soundtrack 


stranger things

21 LAPS ENTERTAINMENT =SEAN LEVI is owner of 21 laps and director 

Season 1 had budget of 6 million 
main Crew and cast mad 20,000
David harper ,fin wolf-heart millie, bobby brown 

Origin series made by matt roster 
Season 1 is eight episodes 

1 season was filmed beginning 2016
Filmed in atlanta Georgia , jackson (hawkins)
Filming took 6 months filmed 7 days a week 
15th July 2016 release date completely exclusive to Netflix, the whole season( immersive viewing) came out on this date globally

Used 4k medium camera to suit netflix 
Lenses used to give 80s look 

Released in VHS to keep the 80s style 
94 percent on rotten tomatoes on first 30 days of release 
18-49 target audience due to older audience remembering 

Box set on amazon 
130 countries netflix with subtitles 
Spin off = lego + nike , tee shirts hoodies to target both age groups 

Fans make clothes arts and others 
Stranger  things fan pages 

50 million in usa
Founded in 1997 as a mail order dvd service 
10 years after making billionth dvd 
Breaking bad was the first big netflix original 
Non of the content used to belong to netflix = no guarantee they could keep forever 
So they made their own programs 
House of cards was the first in 2013 showed they could attract top names 
By 2016 netflix made 126 original programs and films 
147 awards 

Plan on live tv e.g concerts and sports 

Who they are 
How they are targeted 
Why they get pleasure from it 

Beetles walking with stranger things characters 
Birthday cards 

the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc. regarded collectively as a community or subculture What does DVR and VOD allow viewers? 
  1. Allows viewers to watch on demand by streaming or download 
What is ‘our future’ for watching TV?
  1. tv will slowly die out due to its inability to watch on demand streaming services such as Netflix will take over
Which company has been the most disruptive to the traditional TV model? 
  1. Netflix
Is Netflix a perfect substitute for traditional TV?
Cable subscribers are not switching to netflix as they have shows and series that they enjoy on tv that they cannot get on a streaming service such as netflix 

Why do audiences have fewer reasons to be tied to their cable box or TV? 

You have fewer reasons to be tied to the cable box as most tv providers are now providing a streaming service 

jean baurillard

Jean Baudrillard What used to be in the media was reality, real news real places. Society evolves and products evolve = and heightened re...