Tuesday 24 March 2020

Paul Gilroy

Paul Gilroy

The idea that colonialism from the 1500-1900 is still present in modern media. People from ethnic minorities being dehumanised and the idea of “other”. Other meaning seen as abnormal and strange by the majority ( hegemonic)

Within tv drama 

The only reference to any ethnic variation is with Jackson. The lack of ethnicities emphasises the verisimilitude of the drama. And although the the show is a hybrid genre of spy and action.realism is also key as the contextual background features the cold war and the east and west divide so its was crucial that the casting I done in a realistic way. In 1983 Germany the mass hegemonic group was white meaning that there would be little ethnic contrast. Gilroy apply partially as Jackson is represented as different and an outsider partially to his race and being  American. However this is not so useful as the initial meeting of Jackson he is shown to be powerful and in charge , subverting gilroys theory that ethnicity makes someone look weaker or an “other”

Stranger things
 Within the first episode the only contrast in ethnicity is shown through Lucas, gilroys theory is useful in this sense as Lucas is within a group of pre teen protagonists that don’t fit into their small towns “norm”. For example when greeted at the gates by the 2 boys who bully the group of pre teens he is labelled as “midnight”. However with the other boys considered outsiders his race is possibly not the reason for his exclusion.  

Within tabloids it is a common convention for minorities to be simplified so by doing so the varying ethnicities are made to look like “others”and with naive less educated readers they like to be told what to think. This is where gilroys theory is useful 
However in broadsheets minorities are less likely to appear weaker however the hegemonic group of white males still edit and publish the magazine and often the righters of articles included inside are seen on the from cover and are almost always white. 

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