Friday 19 October 2018

teen trust advert

Teen Trust Advert

What is an advert?
An advert is an announcement online, in a newspaper, TV, a poster about something such as a product, event or job. We use advertisement in order to address audiences on different topics.

Three similar examples of charity adverts;
- Child-line
- John Lewis Christmas advert (for age)
- Save the Children

Audience - Child-line is a well-known advert used to target the younger generation, in order to give them confidence to speak out about mental illnesses or abuse aimed at them or people they know. The organisation is a non-profit company whose main purpose is the development of society and ensuring people feel safe and protected - as their own rights. 'Child', being the key word, clearly shows that it is targeted at the younger generation.

Language - The advert uses persuasive language to present the genre and what is being talked about. The bullying and affects of abuse are being shown through the tone of voice, setting the tone for the audience to watch. There are topics used in the advert that would be controversial such as the stereotypes of backgrounds, gender, looks, race or religion. The main purpose is to address discrimination and how people can be separated for the wrong reasons.

Representation - Teenage school pupils are being used to present the feelings of children who need help. By doing this, it shows the audience that there are people out there in society who are similar to those watching the advert; and that by reaching out to 'Child-line', you can receive voluntary help from people with their best interests to help you.

John Lewis - "The man on the moon"
Audience - John Lewis want to engage the audiences' senses and emotions, placing themselves in the spirit of Christmas, as the season is starting. It is for a wide selected audience and wants to engage people in feeling sorry for the old man who's on the moon on his own. This will make the audience feel sorry for him and therefore go to John Lewis.
Language - "half the world away" is speaking literally when it is showing the man being on the moon and the young girl being on earth at home, looking through her bedroom window through a telescope. The balloons, presents and Christmas tree that is used as props in the advert shows that John Lewis provides a variety and these objects all symbolize Christmas and love - the aim being that love is everywhere. It is very contagious and encouraging. The soft music is easy to listen to, fits with the theme. the camera shots vary; extra long shot to show the lonely man on the moon (isolated from society), extreme close up of the girls face when she is happy she has cared for the man. You can see the eyes as a close up. the girl is happy and the man is crying from joy.

Representation - Presented in the advert is an old man and a young girl. Old people have connotations of being sweet and innocent. Sometimes people do community or volunteer work to help old people, so the fact that the old man is sat on his own and doesn't his wife, shows an empathizing screen. the young girl is reaching out to the old man which draws on the viewer's heart strings. The overall message is to say that everyone is loved and that we should show people the love with have for each other.

Save the Children - One Child
Audience - Save the Children use their charity to inspire people with the positive work done, whilst also connecting the audience to the stories of children left behind. They wanted to reach those people who were prepared to help them give aid to the most vulnerable children. The rhetorical questions are used to get the audiences' attention - they want people to see the pain that the children are put through and to question what they can do to help.

Language - persuasive language and graphic images are displayed to show the pain the children are facing. Included in the advert are skinny African babies crying and in pain which isn't nice to see as a viewer, but the thought of not helping makes the viewer feel bad. There is slow soft music and close up images suggest the intensity.

Representation - the African children are being represented in their homes or with parents with limited food and shelter. They are helpless and are not shown to be as fortunate as people in England.

Abused, Juniors, League, Entrustment

Abused, juniours, league and entrustment stands for the children and teens that are abused mentally and physically as a result of bullying at school. The charity is a trusted volunteered company that supports and addresses the problems people are facing. Providing confidence to those that feel they don't have a voice to speak out against the bullies; contact details and services are offered in the duration of the advert.

AJEL - The reason behind using these letters as the title is that AJEL are the beginning letters of the members of the group... Anjelica, Jonah, Ella and Louis.

Job roles:
Anjelica - actor
Jonah - editor and camera work
Louis - actor and camera work
Ella - blogger


> Soft music in the background throughout the advert alongside text talking about the charity 'teen trust'

Scenes (Chronological):

1 - Empty drama studio (dark)
2 - Empty classroom (dark)
3 - Empty playground (dark)
4 - Louis walking through link corridor. Shows writing on arms.
5 - Louis sitting on ground outside against wall.
6 - Shot of Louis walking into class slow motion. Group of 3 people staring in background.

> Louis walks through the corridor with 'loser' and 'ugly' written up his arms

> Anjelica shouts at Louis calling him names and walking away

> Anjelica and Louis 'loser' clip. They are standing next to each saying the word at the same time

> Louis is sitting in the dark, with a shadow behind his head and someone is holding his hand. Text overlapping this clip says 'there are other people like him too...'

> Fat written on Anjelica's neck and Louis can see he isn't the only one

> Wipes 'UGLY' off of arm, but it has stained. Written over the clip 'words stain'

> 'I'm Sorry' clip in slow motion - a tissue being dropped in the bin... written over the clip 'we need to acknowledge people around us. It doesn't hurt to be kind

evaluation on teen trust

1) What was the task you were given and who was your target audience? As the audience wasn't typical of the product how did you manage to sell it? What was the name of your brand

We were given the task to create an advert that would address teen issues , subsequently our audience was teenagers who suffer from physical or mental abuses , i think it was quite a easy task as many teens to suffer from ,mental issues 

 2) Who did you work with and how did you divide the research, planning, filming and responsibilities?


3) How did you plan your sequence?

we planned out the advert on a storyboard and did the research on different document.

5) What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was your sequence?

Kieran fuller said, "i loved it , it was very informative and i learnt a lot , it was extremely successful in helping me understand the issues many teens face 

 6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do 

in this we filmed  some very emotive and clever camera shots by using lighting to show the sad , depressing mood of the clip, is we could re do , i would plan the advert better so that filming was easier  

7) What have you learnt from completing this task (groups skills, communication, compromise, using your initiative, creative input, production skills, editing etc)

in this task i learned that i am not the best to edit although my camera shots are better than i thought and that acting is my favorite part of production

 8) Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your future productions?

i now know my strong points and weak points so i can work on that i am not best at so that in the future i will be able to complete tasks easier and as best i can 

Tuesday 16 October 2018

What is missing from my blog?

4)genre picture task (how did you frame your picture to denote the genre you were assigned. Analyse each top picture for that genre and write about what went well, even better if) LANGUAGE
5) Steve Neale - Genre theory, give a brief explanation and example THEORY
6) Hybrid genre description VOCABULARY
7) Find a poster and add DISTINCT to it so describe each of the areas (setting, themes, icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis) Apply SEMIOTICS - DENOTATION/CONNOTATION to these. LANGUAGE
8) Camera shots filming showing understanding of meaning. LANGUAGE
10) Mise En Scene, create an emaze and analyse sherlock shots A-E and then the print adverts applying CLAMPS to each LANGUAGE
11) Apply DISTINCT and Camera, Mise En Scene, Sound and Editing to the opening five minutes of Boyz N the Hood LANGUAGE
12) Theory video - make your assigned theorist an easy to remember experience by making it visual and applying it to real media texts. THEORY Email the youtube link please
13) Type up your audience notes and your own personal profile AUDIENCE
14) Advert-remake planned and filmed as a group, edited individually CONSTRUCTION
15) Class notes and bbc bitesize notes INDUSTRY
16) BBC bitesize glossary copied and pasted with vocabulary and industry label VOCABULARY/INDUSTRY
17) Industry theorists theory insight, don't just copy and paste them, really explain it THEORY

Every time you post a piece of work/task/homework on the right hand side where it says label - add the label you've been told to use.

Monday 8 October 2018

  1. brand identity
    The image a company constructs for itself through the use of logos, slogans and other marketing tools in order to appeal to an audience.
  2. cross-platform
    The appearance of a media text on more than one platform; cross-platform or cross-media advertising is used to market a product like a film on the web, TV and newspapers.
  3. endorsement
    The act of supporting or backing something; celebrity endorsement is often used in advertising to sell a product.
  4. ethos
    The purpose, attitude and beliefs of a person or an organisation.
  5. media convergence
    When audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.
  6. media format
    A media format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based, or a combination such as a website or video game.
  7. media platform
    A media platform is where a media text is presented; this can be TV, cinema, computer, games console, digital media player, smartphone, tablet, magazine, or newspaper
  8. media text
    Any media product such as a TV programme, film, magazine, video game, newspaper, music track or album created for an audience.
  9. niche audience
    A small, narrow audience interested in a specific topic or theme - the opposite of a mass market audience.
  10. public service broadcasting
    Public service broadcasting is for the benefit of the public and not just for profit or commercial gain; the BBC is a public service broadcaster in the UK.
  11. smartphone
    A mobile phone with a powerful processor that is capable of running applications and accessing the internet.
  12. tablet
    A computer device a little smaller than a laptop but with a built-in touchscreen, usually without a keyboard.

jean baurillard

Jean Baudrillard What used to be in the media was reality, real news real places. Society evolves and products evolve = and heightened re...