Tuesday 16 October 2018

What is missing from my blog?

4)genre picture task (how did you frame your picture to denote the genre you were assigned. Analyse each top picture for that genre and write about what went well, even better if) LANGUAGE
5) Steve Neale - Genre theory, give a brief explanation and example THEORY
6) Hybrid genre description VOCABULARY
7) Find a poster and add DISTINCT to it so describe each of the areas (setting, themes, icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis) Apply SEMIOTICS - DENOTATION/CONNOTATION to these. LANGUAGE
8) Camera shots filming showing understanding of meaning. LANGUAGE
10) Mise En Scene, create an emaze and analyse sherlock shots A-E and then the print adverts applying CLAMPS to each LANGUAGE
11) Apply DISTINCT and Camera, Mise En Scene, Sound and Editing to the opening five minutes of Boyz N the Hood LANGUAGE
12) Theory video - make your assigned theorist an easy to remember experience by making it visual and applying it to real media texts. THEORY Email the youtube link please
13) Type up your audience notes and your own personal profile AUDIENCE
14) Advert-remake planned and filmed as a group, edited individually CONSTRUCTION
15) Class notes and bbc bitesize https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/guides/zqrdxsg/revision/1industry notes INDUSTRY
16) BBC bitesize glossary copied and pasted with vocabulary and industry label VOCABULARY/INDUSTRY
17) Industry theorists theory insight, don't just copy and paste them, really explain it THEORY

Every time you post a piece of work/task/homework on the right hand side where it says label - add the label you've been told to use.

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jean baurillard

Jean Baudrillard What used to be in the media was reality, real news real places. Society evolves and products evolve = and heightened re...