Friday 14 September 2018

summer work

summer work

People in the media have a very good idea of who their target audience is, so by aiming their projects on their consumers, there will be a bigger interest form viewers more money will be made.
For vogue, their target audience is people interested in fashion trends and beauty, in this picture we see some of the most socially relevant people in fashion history, both Kim and Kanye have experience in the fashion industry alongside millions of followers and a well-known TV show. All these links to the audience vogue aim to reach.
kims classic white dress and Kanye timeless black suit represents a traditional beauty, appealing to all ages who read Vogue but links there love for fashion and the icons who influence it.
An interracial couple having such a huge influence is far more common nowadays opposed to when vogue first debuted although it is less common than some would like to see, so by having both races and sexes on a front cover of Vogue, viewed by millions, is still hugely influential. the producers would have done this to promote equity and like it to love and passion.
Although saying his, neither seem to be smiling or sharing many facial expressions displaying love, however, kims slight side smile and kanyes straight face does show the more compassionate, serious side to the Wests that we may not have seen before , the media would have selected this photo out of undoubtedly hundreds to stand out to other magazines that focus on the lavish and luxurious lifestyle they live.

The action-packed thriller trailer is full of fast motion, bright colors, and playful dance music all of which contrast heavily with the serious trauma of the current events of the time.
I will be focusing on the heavy contrast between the young boy's experience in the rest of Germany is branded with and dull, flat serious stereotype.
the song blue Monday by the new order is played in the background of this high-intensity trailer, the electronic beat behind the song links the tune and the context on the trailer together as it was published around the same period. To me, the song's lyrics have little connection to the trailer however the producers of this may have chosen this song as it relates to there target audience. Deutschland 83 is set for action loving film fanatics however people who lived during 1983 may find this far more appealing as it addresses something highly important from back then and has been brought back to the public eye now.
Throughout the various scenes, we see German officers dressed in the traditional grey uniform, this dull color may be factually correct however emphasizes the giant contrast between the enjoyable time of our main character who is infiltrating the German government. I believe the director would have done this to further emphasize the typical stereotype of the German government, however, show that there are sides that are fun, exhilarating and thought-provoking, such as this boys role in the government.
The director begins the trailer with real recordings from 1983 to bring to life both the story and the characters within it, however, they quickly cut too short action long shots separated with close up to show the drama aspect of the series alongside the action thriller portion.

Medias role in the news
Brexit. as many are well aware, Britain will be leaving the EU, however, although the majority voted to leave, a large percentage wished to stay, so when the results came in, many were disheartened and outraged.
the headline "WE'RE OUT", although short and eye-catching, could be seen as rather bias, the publishers and media, in general, would want most to be as pleased as Nigel Farage in this photo as disagreements could lead to anarchy.
the writer goes on to say " after 43 years UK is freed from the shackles of EU" which is undoubtedly one-sided and shows one company's thoughts can have such an influence upon the millions of readers around Britain.

A protein supplement company launched this campaign, this was plastered on tube stations, bus stops, and social media. many women were appalled by the photo of the woman complaining that it showed unrealistic beauty standards and that natural beauty was not shown, it was soon banned after hundreds of complaints.
A far more recent campaign labeled "this girl can " highlights all the races, religions, shapes and sizes in the female community, in this photo we see a Muslim girl playing tennis.
Firstly by casting a Muslim girl , the campaign contrasts the media's ideals of a normal English female , secondly as she is clearly in her teens it proves that age does not limit ability, and finally, as she is a girl, we would not typically expect her to play sport as it is not associated as feminine.

I believe both campanes to show beauty and I understand how women may have been angered by the beach body ready poster as some stated the model is close to " annarexic" however she is clearly a beautiful woman, not to say the " this girl can " is not, but many women would want to achieve the body advertised in the protein world poster, so what may have been offensive and provocative to many could be clever marketing from the company. 


The ‘Big Six’ collectively command approximately 80 – 85 percent of US & Canadian box office revenue. These ‘Big Six’ are 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures & Walt Disney Pictures. Of these, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., and Paramount Pictures were part of the original ‘Big Five’ who operated during the Golden Age of Hollywood

                     BUDGET =300 million
           CAST= Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa ...
              RELEASE DATE = 17th November 2017

             BUDGET=110 million
  CAST= Ryan Renolds, Josh Brolin
  RELEASE DATE  = 16th may 2018

BUDGET= 178 million
CAST= tom cruise , Simon pegg ...
RELEASE DATE = July 17th, 2018 

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